
State management further on progress

Duis dapibus, augue et dapibus egestas, justo est accumsan justo, eu blandit metus ligula eu ligula. Duis eget lacus nulla. Maecenas ac quam aliquet, tincidunt purus et, vehicula ligula. Maecenas sagittis dignissim auctor. Ut sed diam at urna hendrerit vestibulum vel eget eros. Fusce congue vulputate risus, nec lobortis lorem auctor vel. Proin ut massa non turpis consectetur elementum eu nec nunc. Vivamus lacus ex, accumsan sed viverra tempor, cursus quis erat. Quisque blandit, quam sed tempus placerat, lacus magna auctor urna, sed tincidunt enim massa at mi. Pellentesque eleifend fermentum varius. Nam et interdum magna. Proin pharetra accumsan justo, sit amet laoreet lorem euismod a. Donec vitae pulvinar elit. Morbi dolor felis, congue a semper quis, pharetra vel tortor.


Pellentesque eu dui urna. Maecenas posuere lacus eget sem hendrerit, at pulvinar velit interdum. Duis ullamcorper justo mauris, ac feugiat velit tempus ac. Nullam dapibus nisi et eros fringilla tincidunt. Praesent eu fringilla risus, eu pharetra arcu. Cras eu purus id odio ultricies bibendum eu ut tellus. Aenean accumsan molestie ligula, id eleifend ligula. Etiam placerat eros vel nisl varius sollicitudin. Nulla at tortor eu quam varius rutrum a in est. Nunc laoreet at felis at auctor. Sed fermentum pharetra orci, sit amet aliquam est cursus sit amet. Proin nec massa non lorem sollicitudin faucibus. Maecenas egestas ante ut sodales facilisis. Etiam eleifend sapien vel lorem efficitur, non aliquet dolor pretium. Quisque et leo pharetra, cursus sem sit amet, consectetur est.


Aenean mattis nibh eget faucibus venenatis. Aliquam sodales, ex eu convallis venenatis, ipsum elit gravida mauris, et ornare felis felis nec neque. Donec maximus ultricies tortor ac mollis. Suspendisse id nunc ullamcorper, imperdiet dui ac, condimentum urna. Ut mattis lacus eget est placerat, a tempor ante feugiat. Aenean pretium arcu tellus, sit amet rhoncus nunc sagittis in. Etiam quis urna non leo dictum lobortis. Sed pellentesque et lectus sed fringilla. Etiam varius sem et augue pharetra, at placerat diam auctor. Quisque blandit commodo purus vitae placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque egestas turpis non ex interdum, ut pharetra sapien scelerisque. Donec euismod ac dolor eu mollis. Nunc accumsan tortor sit amet bibendum dignissim.

Sed ac viverra massa, quis iaculis lacus. Nunc ullamcorper, ligula eget ornare tempor, mauris diam placerat lorem, faucibus suscipit diam lorem at velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam dictum elit eu elit pulvinar, varius maximus purus finibus. Duis non dolor dictum, suscipit dolor vel, auctor tortor. Phasellus feugiat elit eget nisi malesuada tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In mattis ultrices dolor id maximus. Ut ac odio id nunc efficitur placerat ut non urna. Nunc volutpat commodo elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam gravida condimentum risus at commodo. Praesent et vestibulum elit. Aenean a sollicitudin orci. Curabitur in rutrum diam, ut lobortis magna. Nunc blandit, libero pulvinar feugiat tempus, enim nulla posuere arcu, ut convallis erat nulla ac elit.

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Sierra Construction Limited, a construction sector leader in Sri Lanka, commenced 2023 on a green note, launching a series of eco-friendly initiatives that has enabled the Company to achieve a reduction of Greenhouse gas emissions by 6,270 Kgs of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (CO2e) in January alone. Embarking on the Company’s ‘Vision 2025’ Transformation Agenda designed to achieve net carbon zero status within the next three years, Sierra Construction completed the first phase of its recycling drive in collaboration with Neptune Recyclers and shredded a total of 6,270 Kgs of confidential documents-turned wastepaper in an environment friendly manner. The environmental return on this initiative translated to the saving of 107 trees, 11,004 litres of oil, 25,080 kwh of electricity, 199,261 litres of water, and 19m3 of landfill space, Neptune Recyclers confirmed. In addition to saving Sierra the cost of transportation and labour involved in burning wastepaper at a designated location as was customary, the recycling programme also eliminated the environmental cost of this activity. The Company said it plans to continue with this recycling initiative in phases throughout the year. Sierra also organised a beach clean-up project which covered 16,000 square metres of beach. A spokesperson for the Company said Sierra is in the process of educating staff on its Green initiative and is conducting awareness programmes across the country for employees to emphasise the importance of reduction of wastage, recycling and transformation. In addition, the Company is promoting carpooling and encouraging cycling as a means of commuting to work. Sierra Construction has also inaugurated a weekly yoga and exercise programme for its staff. Designed to boost mental wellness and encourage physical fitness among Company employees, the programme focusses on building and strengthening one of the core assets of the company, which is its human resources, the spokesperson said. A leading general engineering and construction company in Sri Lanka, Sierra Construction Limited was established in 1981. It is one of the most experienced contractors in the country for telecommunications, building construction, electrical engineering, water supply & sewerage, road and bridges projects and has an unblemished record of undertaking large-scale projects in Sri Lanka and overseas. Sierra Construction has operations in the Maldives, Bangladesh, India, Singapore, Malaysia and Abu Dhabi. The Company has been assigned the CS2 Grade, the highest ranking issued by the Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA) in the field of engineering and construction and employs a skilled workforce of more than 4,000 including over 100 qualified and experienced engineers in Sri Lanka and overseas. Sierra Construction is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified company. The Board of Directors of the company comprises Priyantha Perera (Chairman), Buwanaka Perera (Deputy Chairman), Ms Cynthica Irugalbandara, Anura Premarathna, Kamaj Wanigasooriya, Prasad Erathna and Chaminda Ranasinghe.


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