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HomeLincoln’s CornerPainful Reverse Evolution

Painful Reverse Evolution


It took multi-billion years for an Ameba (single cell organ) to evolve into human, but the reverse process has taken place at a higher rate of speed. The reverse process commenced circa 1950 with the invention of Enovid to set the process,  in  none other than  USA, followed by Mini Skirt in UK and taken up by Margaret Thatcher and the trend continued by same sex marriage, abandonment of Church Going on Sundays…

  1. One rule for the Chosen People (The Israelis)

  2. One Rule for the Rich and Elite (Elon Musk, Bill Gates & Donald Trump)

  3. One Rule for the West (UK & USA)

  4. Another Rule for the Rich and Elite of the Non-Whites (Narendra Modi, Omar Al Bashir, Than Shwa, Mohammed Bin Salman)

  5. Different Rule for the Vulnerable*(me and the fellow strugglers- 90% of world population)

  • Blatant lies and rhetoric become truth and credible when they are repeated loudly.

  • Truth and facts become irrelevant and false if they are uttered by the Vulnerable*

By cooking  up an evil plan of a Terrorist Act on your own people for the sole purpose of attributing the blame on a resistance group that represents the Vulnerable, a Terrorist State can collect support from the Civilised West (UK and USA) to  invoke a war on the Vulnerable to erase the Vulerable altogether to capture their land and properties. The typical example is the 7th of October 2023 staging of  a Terrorist act by the Israelis. That ‘brutal’ act is resonating daily  in the public domain to intensify the hate of the Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Iran is one of the few countries  refuses to submit to the will of the Evil West therefore Iran must be vilified and punished until Iran joints the list of a-lickers like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Arab States.

That’s the way Cookies Crumble in the ‘Civilised Societies’

To settle his gambling debts  Lord Balfour from the old wolfe Britain, gave the colonized Palestine to the Jewish Banker Rothschild. The State of Palestine has become Israel between the period from  1947 to 2024. The remaining remnant Gaza strip has been wiped out  in order to protect the chosen  people. (Chosen by the Zionists; not by the nameless Jewish God

The hypocrisy of the civilized West  needs no further evidence  than their repeated rhetoric “Israel has the rights to defend itself”, but Palestine, Lebanon,  Iran or any other countries do not have the rights to defend themselves! Gaza has been done with the next is Lebanon; both these countries have the Mediterranean sea coast that can be used only by Israel. The idiotic Egypt thinks it is safe with the West without suspecting the motive of the West; the target is Suez Canal that should be  captured by Israel to have full control of the trade route via the Mediterranean sea. The other end, Gibraltar has been in their hands from long time ago.

Human evolved in billions of years from just a single–cell thing to civilized human but has been  gradually reversing into barbarism in an accelerated speed, pioneered by the Western Capitalism culminated from sheer greed and Power.

With all sacred intent and purposes,  Religions, Language, Culture and civilizations were developed to distinguish good and bad by the innate good nature of the human at the beginning of recognizable time but the White Communities  from the cold countries had to invent weapons to kill animals for their survival that opened their mind to abuse the weapons whose power was realised to form Tribes, Kingdoms, Empires and Colonialism;

Power  ensued to consolidate Greed that evolved into Capitalism to ensure painful reverse evolution.

Who would have predicted objects  like Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, Margaret Thatcher, Vladimir Putin and a few like them would ever qualify as humans


Lincoln Rasalingam







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