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HomeMain NewsAmericaDangerous Rhetoric's of a Demented Trump

Dangerous Rhetoric’s of a Demented Trump

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally

The master crook and convicted criminal and the serial marauder  Donald Trump has  proposed making America great again by taking the country “back” to a time when slavery was legal and women couldn’t vote.

During a Monday rally in Greenville, North Carolina, the rascal talked about his plan to conduct mass deportations if re-elected.

“If Kamala gets four more years, you will not have a country left,” the crook complained. “Immediately upon taking the oath of office, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history.”

“I will rescue every town across America that has been invaded and conquered, and we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail or kick them the hell out of our country back to where they came from,” he continued.

Trump said he would invoke a law, the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, to speed up deportations.

“Think of that, 1798,” he told the crowd. “That’s when we had real politicians that said, we’re not going to play games.”

“We have to go back to 1798 to target and dismantle every migrant criminal* network operating on American soil,” Trump added.

Not even ‘Fox and Friends’ can hide Trump’s dementia

Activists pointed out that 1790-era policies had some drawbacks.

“By 1798, politicians had made it legal to own slaves and illegal for women to vote in America,” American Bridge noted on X (formerly Twitter).

*The proven Immigrant Criminal is none other than Donald Trumpf from Kallstadt in the idyllic region of Rhineland-Palatinate Germany

 Lincoln Rasalingam
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