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Racism refuelled


Trump’s brand of racism is fuelling the white nationalist movement worldwide: report


Trump at KKK rally at Charlottesville where White thugs murdered an young innocent girl

According to a report at Huffington Post, white nationalist movements in countries around the world are looking with admiration at the rise of President Donald Trump and modeling some of their rhetoric after his.

The report notes that racist elements in countries including Canada and Germany have even taken to wearing Trump’s “Make America Great Again” red hats as part of their own homeland drive to attack minorities.


“‘Make America Great Again’ has become more than a U.S. political slogan … for white nationalist, radical right and anti-immigrant extremists all over the world, it’s a symbol; a kind of political messaging that transcends the specifics of country and language,” the report explains.

According to one expert, the implicit message that the hat delivers in the U.S. transcends borders.

“The hat and the MAGA acronym have really become shorthand for this white nationalist movement,” explained Barbara Perry, a professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

According to a 2018 study undertaken by extremism researcher J.M. Berger, the most common word found on alt-right Twitter and social media accounts was “MAGA” along with “Trump supporter.”


“This embrace of pro-Trump symbols isn’t limited to social media,” the report continues. “MAGA hats and slogans have shown up in Britain at rallies supporting anti-Muslim activist Tommy Robinson, on banners in Australia following the terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, and as an accessory for prominent European white nationalists who wear it to troll their fellow citizens.”

The report goes on to note that, “MAGA symbols abroad aren’t solely the province of extremists, but they tend to attract a certain type. Anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim politicians, in particular, have adopted the Trump-associated slogans and paraphernalia.”

According to the report, far-right politicians overseas are also studying the way Trump inflames white nationalist passions and are adopting his ways to bash immigrants within their own countries.

“Beyond mimicking Trump’s rhetoric to rile up nationalist sentiment in their own countries, the international far right embraces the U.S. president because he helps bolster the narrative of rising support for a global anti-immigrant, anti-establishment movement,” the report continues. ” When the most powerful person in the world says that ‘Islam hates us’ and attempts to ban Muslim immigration, it’s proof that perhaps other world leaders can achieve a similar goal.”


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