
Deja vu

The crooks with their choreographer

Benjamin Netanyahu  the ardent  supporter and pro-aggressive  a…e licker of Donald Trump has been  charged with Fraud, Bribery and abuse of Power. Doesn’t  this ring a bell? A certain President of USA has been going through an Impeachment process right now. These two crooked clowns have done more damage to their respective countries and citizens than a normal president, prime minster or any typical crook. Waiting in the wings is another one in the United Kingdom is the Russaphile Boris Johnson. 

I guarantee that there are a few more will face their own Judiciary are:

  • Turkeys Leader  – Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
  • Phillipine Leader – Rodrigo Duterte
  • Srilankan Leader – Gotabaya Rajapakse  (The alleged War Crimial in 2009. Investigation still going on)
  • Brazilian Leader – Jair Bolsonaro

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