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Coronation of His Royal Highness Prince Donald John Trump ON 20 JANUARY 2021

From Rogues to Royalty
The smile displays his low breed. Donkey can wear tuxedo but still a Donkey
None of them can read or write. They blame the foreigners for their defects

The first time after conquering America from the Native Indians America becomes a Monarchy under His Royal Highness Prince  Donald John Trump who will be crowned King  on the auspicious  day of 20th   January 2021.  Royal hierarchy will go like this. Next in line  will be tradition of the British Royalty Trump jr, Eric and Barron. Ivanka and Tiffany will be last however they will be given the Royal Titles, His Royal highness Prince Donald Trump Jr, His Royal Highness Prince Eric Trump, His Royal Highness Prince Barron Trump, Her Royal Highness Princess Ivanka  and Her Royal Highness Tiffany. Menlania will have a special title Her Royal Highness Queen Melania

You decadent and degenerating Yankees, learn to live with it. I am Emigrating to Neduntheevu

Hilary Clinton said it in 2016, Obama endorsed it in 2017 and now John Bolton confirmed it in 2020 that Donald Trump was/is unfit for the Office of the President. Would you believe that I said the same thing when he mooted the idea in 2012. In fact I had a very low opinion of Trump in 2004 or 2005 when I first watched his Apprentice Programme. His nastiness was very clear to me.
What is surprising, or should I say bizarre is he is still going around like a wild Brabant horse that you find in Prior Mountains Range in Wyoming. Please don’t confuse him with a wild mustang. He is undoubtedly a horse or Donkey that can probably be trained to pull carriages; never to be a race horse. Whitehouse is meant for a horse of the calibre of Galileo, Frankel or Secretariat not for a Shetland Pony or for a Donkey. Please get the Trump Donkey out of the Whitehouse immediately. This appeal is primarily aimed at the Republicans who are requested to select an alternative candidate or cast your votes to Joe Biden in November. Nobody in the World can be as horrible as Trump. Select anybody but Trump who I will see behind bar serving hard labour before I meet my maker. I am 81 years old.
His marauding continues unabated. Trump chose a place called Tulsa in Oklahoma to conduct his election rally. This place has a history of massacring Black people by the White mob. In 1921 there was a massacre and riots and he chose such a place for his rally, ignoring not just the sensitivity of the place but also all the warnings of Corona Virus. By 6 pm there was no crowd and the few showed up had no face masks or any kind of protection against the Corona Virus. As instructed by his boss Putin he predicted millions would show up and built a platform to have some speech for the anticipated overflowing crowd that would not have seats in the Hall with 19000 capacity. Around 6 pm Airfoce One flew over the Bank of Oklahoma Arena and found no crowd at all outside the Arena therefore cancelled the outside rally immediately. Remember he used Taxpayer funded Plane for his Election rally. He retracted his wagging tail between the legs and had to dismantle the outdoor platform as there was no one to hear his lies and bravados. The sparse appearance of the auditorium had signaled the unpopularity of this illegal Presidency with the voters who were left in no doubt about the character of this man; he is in for an election battery and humiliation in November. He did make a speech for the paltry 6200 flag-wavers advising his quislings to reduce the Corona testing and announced this morning that 20 thousand in the Auditorium and over 42 thousand outside the ‘completely filled’ auditorium totaling over 900 thousand supporters.(According to his maths, 20+42 = 900!). The truth was he collected $1billion from Putin just to bribe the attendees at £1000 each that he wanted say to putin have cost $900 million. He did send invitations to over one million Voters on his lists promising benefits of $1000 for just attending and carrying placards. Because there were only 6200 attendees that cost $6,200,000. He saved $993,800,000. Vladimir Putin may press for refund of either the full $1 Billion or $993,800,000 of his investment on Trump. Waiting in the wing are two real Jackals in the names of Pompeo and Pence;(Two Pee’s) the moment these two turns against, Trump WILL have to resign. This is my anticipation. I must confess; I waged £20 on Trump not lasting his 1st term in office more than 12 months; I lost the 20 quid.
All the countries in the World are taking steps to protect their citizens, except, USA who is taking every steps to win second Term of Presidency. A mere 4% of the World’s population suffers over 26% of the corona deaths count. The infection rates have been decreasing in every parts of the World except Trumps’s USA, Putin’s Russia and Trump’s arse licking President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro. Total contempt and disregard to the welfare of their citizens.
American Government is run by a Mafia Leader like Don Vito Corleone in the 1972 movie God Father played by Marlon Brando. Former Republican Senator William Cohen told today to Jake Tapper of the CNN that Trump rules the Congress and the Senate by fear, fear of the lives, fear of the lives of their family. He said Trump wants absolute power. He cited his language; My Judges, My Generals etc.. He  said in no uncertain terms that if Trump  gets elected for the second Term America will not be a democratic country but it will be like North Korea, Russia or Turkey. All three are currently ruled by Dictators.
If he is elected in November 2020 his first Executive Order will be the abolition of the Congress and the swearing of Oaths as President will be replaced with Coronation of King Trump on the 20th January 2021. His first priority will be to ditch the constitution and replace it with the one written by Bass mouth Bill Barr and Brett Kavanaugh to make sure that America will have a Royalty with ful executive power, unlike any other countries like UK where the Royalties rolls will only be ceremonial

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