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Trump Supporter kills 10 Democrat Supporters

Ahmad Alissa in Trump’s rally
Killer Ahmad Alissa

Ahmad Alissa 21 is a refugee from Syria and he was two year old when his parents brought him to US. 20 years ago. His parents were supporters of  Trump. Ironically Colorado has been a Democratic Party stronghold for many years and  even the current Governor is a Democrat. Ahmad who is a staunch supporter of Trump and he treated Trump’s words as gospel.  ‘his motives was to take revenge on the Democratic supporters in order to get sa pat on his back from Trump.

On the 15th March Trump declared his intension of reviving his Presidential candidacy and to launch his TV channel and Social media platform. On thre 16th March Ahmad buys an assault rifle  and on the 22nd  March  he went  on the rampage to kill Democrats.

Please dont be naïve to repeat motive unknown

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