
Sex Trafficker Empstein’s legacy continues…

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz

Matt Gaetz inherited Epstein’s Sex trafficking Operations.

Donald Trump’s  pleasure pal Financier Jeffrey Epstein and his ex-girlfriend and his long time associate Ghislaine Maxwell were  arrested in  2019 on charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking.

He was denied bail ahead of his trial but died under mysterious circumstances in the Jail and his procurer associate  Ghislaaine Maxwell  operation is kept in jail.

Naturally one would think that the Sex trafficking menace would vanish in New York and London after the end of Epstein’s reign  and Trump’s  humiliating defeat at the Presidential election. What a disastrous disappointment for us all!!

Epstein’s reincarnation  in the form of  Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz did not have to wait to descent  like  the Count Dracula to the undead.

The salacious sex scandals swirling plaguing Rep. Matt Gaetz (F-FL) took another dark turn after a Florida legislator played a weird voicemail message she received in 2019.

Rep. Anna Eskamani played the recording sent by Joel Greenberg, the Florida Republican who is facing dozens of criminal charges, including sex trafficking. Gaetz is with Greenberg and made an appearance.

“Hi Anna!” Gaetz said.

“And, uh, we were just chatting about you, and talking about your lovely qualities,” Greenberg said.

Eskamani described the statement as “cringe-worthy.”

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid asked Eskamani some awkward questions about the voicemail message.

“Do you worry, in light of what we have now learned about Matt Gaetz and Mr. Greenberg and what they were up to and things like allegations from CNN that Gaetz would show off pictures to fellow lawmakers of women — nude women that he claimed he had slept with. ‘It was a point of pride,’ one of the sources said of Gaetz. And also that Mr. Greenberg was trafficking women and attempting to get them have sex with him and maybe the congressman for money. When you look back on it, do you worry they were trying to lure you into something alone those lines?” Reid asked. “The trafficking world lines?”

“I think it’s a very valid question and a very valid concern,” Eskamani replied. “These are signs of trying to groom people to do what you want them to do. And when i look back at my engagement Mr. Greenberg over the the past three, four years, I’d always try to keep a distance between us but there was a lot of pushy and corrosive behavior, attempting to make a conversation go in a more intimate direction than I would want to go and so there were definitely signs of that.”

“And again, I think it is so important that women, especially women in politics, share their stories because unfortunately, for me, this is just another day of being a woman in politics,” Eskamani said.

The American cannot forget his antics of supporting Trump’s every whim. When Trump says jump, Gaetz and another one of similar ilk Jim Jordan would  ask how high!

I think it is about time to put these low lives behind bars before they  join Jeffery Epstein! One mustn’t forget, Roger Stone, Rudi Giuliani, Trump Jr.   Sydney Powell. Sean Hannity and Ted Cruz. This lot should also not see the light of day for at least the next 20 years!

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