
May’s Dilemma

I can only feel sorry for Mrs May – no one wants to be in her shoes right now. The hypocrisy doesn’t stop with Mrs May. The culprits are Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson,  Preeti Patel,  Angela Leadsome, Liam Fox and Gisela Stuart. Michael Gove and a few others were persuaded to join in.

The theme for the Brexiteers were (1) take back control (2) unaffordable £350 million per week payments  to the despicable Europeans (3) Immigrants taking our jobs, houses, school places and hospital beds (4) Refugees of inferior colour flooding our country was at breaking point

There was no theme for the remainers except defending the theme of the Brexiteers that was  ingeniously characterised by Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson as “Project Fears”. Whoever raised any points supporting the remainers was very vehemently vilified .

Regardless of the bickering, lies, exaggeration, distortions and disinformation the Referendum Result was fair. It could have gone either way, however there is a valid reason fora second referendum. The voters did not know the facts at that time and theyare more knowledgeable now therefore they are able to vote without relying on publicity.  However, there is no way of guaranteeing anyspecific result.

To be fair, the voters deserve a second chance. That is democracy. A result obtained by deception is not democracy. If the Brexiteers win even by one vote we should get out of the European Union without any argument.

The following alternatives are unfair:

  1. Withdrawing the declaration of Article 50
  2. Leaving the Union with  or without any deals
  3. Dismissing the Referendum Result.

Theresa May should not be blamed for any outcome nor should she be pushed out or resign on the ground of the present status quo of the EU Membership.

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