
Pimp Trump’s Tantrum

Kidnap. Blackmail, Murder, robbery, ransom, torture, Lies and disinformation are words belonging to one group that can easily be  synonymised as siblings. They all  emanate from same mindset.

“Unless you give me $5.7 Billion dollars I will not sign the document” is the latest bizarre demand of the Orangutan President. In fact it is grossly unfair to compare Orangutan with this creature whose Grandfather  Frederich Trumpf ( when went to America at the age of 16 in order to avoid conscription to the military on October 19 1885. U.S. immigration records list his name as “Friedr. Trumpf” and his occupation as “none”.[7] He moved in with his older sister Katharina – who had emigrated in 1883[ and her husband Fred Schuster, also from Kallstadt in Germany. Only a few hours after arriving, he met a German-speaking barber who was looking for an employee,[3 and began working the following day. He worked as a barber for six years. Trumpf lived with his relatives on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in a neighborhood with many Palatine German immigrants, at 76 Forsyth Street. Because the cost of operating at 76 Forsyth Street was getting expensive, they later moved to 606 East 17th Street and to 2012 2nd Avenue.

His behaviour remind me of the scene in Jet Lee’s Kiss of the Dragon in which a pimp demads £500 for the pimp to stop beating  the girl and wanted a further £500 for his time, otherwise Jet Lee was going to be beaten up or killed. Unless Pimp Trump is paid £5.7 billion,  about a million Government employees are not going to be paid just 3 days before the Christmas! Should anyone has to put up with a clay headed pimp? Redacted and perhaps edited to slant towards favourable anecdotes version of his history is in Wikipedia for all to read. If those voted for him had read his history they would want to send him back to Germany.

In 1891, Trumpf moved to Seattle, in the newly admitted U.S. state of Washington. With his life savings of several hundred dollars, he bought a restaurant named Poodle Dog, which he renamed the Dairy Restaurant, and supplied it with new tables, chairs, and a range. Located at 208 Washington Street, the Dairy Restaurant was in the middle of Seattle’s Red Light District; Washington Street was nicknamed “the Line” and included an assortment of saloons, casinos, and brothels. Biographer Gwenda Blair called it “a hotbed of sex, booze, and money; it was the indisputable centre of the action in Seattle. The restaurant served food and liquor and was advertised to include “Rooms for Ladies”, a common euphemism for prostitution. Trumpf lived in Seattle until early 1893 and voted in Washington’s first presidential election in 1892, becoming a U.S. citizen.There was no problem for a man with White skin  with a few coins in the pocket to be accepted as a US citizen.

On 14 February 1894, Trumpf sold the Dairy Restaurant, and in March, he moved to the emerging mining town of Monte Cristo, Washington in Snohomish County north of Seattle. After evidence of mineral deposits had been discovered in 1889, Monte Cristo was expected to produce a fortune in gold and silver. Many prospectors moved to the area in hopes of becoming rich. Rumours about financial investments by millionaire John D. Rockefeller in the entire Everett area created an exaggerated expectation of the area’s potential.

Before leaving Seattle, Trumpf bought 40 acres (16 ha) in the Pine Lake Plateau, twelve miles (19 km) east of the city, for $200, which was the first major real estate purchase of the Trumpf family.9 In Monte Cristo, Trumpf chose a plot of land near the later train station that he wanted to build a hotel on, but could not afford the $1,000-per-acre fee to purchase it. Instead, he filed a Gold placer claim on the land, which allowed him to claim exclusive mineral rights to the land without having to pay for it, even though the land had already been claimed by Everett resident Nicholas Rudebeck. At that time, the U.S. Land Office was known to be corrupt and frequently allowed such multiple claims. Despite the placer’s claim providing Trumpf no right to build any structure on the land, he quickly bought lumber to build a new boarding house and operate it similarly to the Dairy Restaurant. He never tried to mine gold on the land. Blair described Trumpf as “mining the miners” since they needed a place to sleep at night while they were mining.In July 1894, Rudebeck filed to incorporate the land and sent an agent to collect rent; this was apparently unsuccessful since the people of Monte Cristo did not pay attention to legal titles. Trumpf finally bought the land in December 1894. While in Monte Cristo, Trumpf was elected in 1896 as justice of the peace by a 32-to-5 margin.

Years of mining had revealed that there was not nearly as much gold and silver in Monte Cristo as had once been believed, and in August 1894, Rockefeller pulled out of most of his investment in the area, creating the “Everett bubble burst. By the spring of 1896, most of the miners had left Monte Cristo. Trumpf suffered both from a shortage of workers and reduced business, although he had been one of the few people to make money in Monte Cristo. Trumpf prepared for the bubble burst by funding two miners in the Yukon, Canada in exchange for them staking a claim for him.[3]:72 In July 1897, the Klondike Gold Rush began after boats loaded with gold arrived in San Francisco and Seattle. Thousands of people rushed to the area in hopes of making a fortune.Trumpf sold off most of his property in Monte Cristo a few weeks later and moved back to Seattle

In Seattle, Trumpf opened a new restaurant at 207 Cherry Street. Business was so good that he paid off the mortgage in four weeks. Meanwhile, on 7 July, the two miners whom Trumpf had funded staked his claim at Hunker Creek, a tributary of the Klondike. After spending $15 to register the claim, they sold half of it for $400 the next day. A week later, another miner sold it for $1,000. On 20 September, they staked a second claim, at Deadwood Creek. Half of it was sold in October for $150, while the other half was sold in December for $2,000. It is, however, unknown if Trumpf ever received any money from there. By early 1898, he had made enough money to go to the Yukon himself.

He bought all the necessary supplies, sold off his remaining property in Monte Cristo and Seattle, and transferred his 40 acres in the Pine Lake Plateau to his sister Louise. In 1900, Louise sold the property for $250. In the winter following Trumpf’s departure from Monte Cristo, the town suffered some of the worst avalanches and floods in its short history, and this time, Rockefeller refused to reconstruct the almost vital railroad to Everett.

In my 80 years life, I have never ever came across a pathelogical lier like Trump. He wanted us to believe that he was a self-made millionnaire. In fact he did nothing to earn a living other than some methods of deceit to swindle banks and the public.

In my opinion not even a single day should be wasted before putting this crature behind bar.

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