FinancialLaw Enforcement


There is no guarantee that a new goverment will be able to resolve the Brexit issue. the best way, in my opinion, is to invite the following people to have a conference to  come up with a solution:

David Cameron, Tony Blair, Sir John Major, Sir Normon Lamont, Kenneth Clarke, George Obsorne, Alistair Darling, Gordon Brown, Jeremy Corbyn, Phillip Hammond, John McDonald, Mark Carney, Anna Soulbury, Nikki Morgan, Anglea Leadsome, Harriet Harmon, Margaret Beckett, Theresa May,  John Berco, Carwyn  Jones, Lyanne Wood, Paul Davis, Ruth Davidson

  • Lord Reed. Deputy President of The Supreme Court, The Right Hon Lord Reed. …
  • Lord Kerr. Justice of The Supreme Court, The Right Hon the Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore. …
  • Lord Wilson. Justice of The Supreme Court, The Right Hon Lord Wilson of Culworth. …
  • Lord Carnwath. …
  • Lord Hodge. …
  • Lady Black. …
  • Lord Lloyd-Jones. …
  • Lord Briggs.


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