International PoliticsPolitics

Jacinda Ardern

Rt.Hon Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister of new Zealand

Jacinda Ardern is the Prime minister of New Zealand.  She was born on the 26th October 1980 probably the youngest ever politician ever to become  a prime minster. She has demonstrated her quality at the recent incident of mass killing of  50 Muslim worshipers at a Mosque.  She felt their pain and sorrow , she alterd the gun law and declared war against crimes of any sort.  On the other side  in the United States of America, president trump, I cringe to mention his name, has always took the sides of the killers, sympathised with the all the  Oppressive Regimes  and declared  there were good people amogst the White Supremacists Terrorists. It is worth mentioning here that Donald Trumps’s father was a member of the KKK (the Ku Klux Klan). It seems the meaning of Ku Klux Klan is White Racial Brotherhood.

World leaders can take a leaf out the young Jacinda Ardern’s practices  for commons sense, humility, rationality, empathy ,diplomacy and superior political skill.  If the world politicians behave like Jacinda did there would be no wars, famine, powerty and  ignorance   in the world.

While the budget for the education  and health are cut in a high proportion of the countries the military budgets have been increased  and this strategy appears to be winning votes from the fear induced and brain-washed  citizens of the Planet. Last years Military spending  was  in excess of $1.7 Trillion. ($17,000,000,000,000) .  This  bloated sum of money is extracted from the working people, old age pensioners, and generally  those who struggle to have decent living . The Governments uses confusing  and fancy words like Austerity  for which excuses are invented  to justify. If the Military spending is cut and the wealth of the greedy Super Rich parasites is evenly distributed every family in the entire world will be rich.

There is no chance of every family in the world becoming rich unless we have many Jacinda Ardens take over the world.

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