
Goblin Shaman Guttersnipe, aka, Donald Trump

His face reflects his Heart and Mind
Goblin Shaman Guttersnip

Here  he goes again masquerading with his idiotic inventions. This time, according to this serial ‘pussy grabber ’ , Bill Clinton had murdered Jeff Epstein because Epstein had information about Clinton.  During the 2016 Presidential Election the Russians  had  dirt  on Clinton.

Every time this despicable  Goblin Shaman Guttersnipe, aka Donald Trumpf, senses  his  obnoxious  odour coming out , he invents pokeys  solely with the purpose of diverting attention away from his misdemeanors.

Remember, Obama wasn’t born in USA,  Father of Ted Cruz murdered Kennedy and now Bill Clinton murdered  Goblin Shaman’s friend  Jeff Epstein who was in a secure Prison Cell. The idiot did not realize that only his friends are in Prison; not Bill Clintons.  Paul Manafort and   Michel Cohen   and Jeff Epstein are friends of  the Pig not Clintons.

My profound apologies to  Swines  for comparing with  inferior species

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