
Perfect Place for the Whitehouse Gang

I don’t think even Bill Barr, Mitch McConnell or Lyndsey Shameless Graham is aware of the real motive of the thug Donald Trump. They think he wants to stop the demonstrations by his own unorthodox way. They think he is stopping riots, damage to properties and looting without realizing all the damages and lootings are done by Donald Trump himself through his Tripple K and White Supremacists supporters. He has only one objective which is to cancel the November Presidential Election because he knows he can’t win. If he declares Emergency and curfew he has the Presidential Power to cancel Elections.
It would be okay to sacrify a battalion, an entire army, navy and airforce to protect a Monarchy, King or Queen but scarifying the national asset to protect an unelected crook who maneuvered his way through cheating the Vote Counting System to get into the Whitehouse is not acceptable under any circumstances. He creates mayhem not just for the Americans and America but also the Global reputation built up by the previous Presidents for over 400 years is being systematically eroded by this Outcast who is a proven pathological liar, a confirmed charlatan, built nothing to his credit on his own, three times bankrupt, Military dodger and an abuser of women and power.
Why the nation has to suffer just because of this one worthless creature. The easiest way for a perfect panacea is to remove him from the Whitehouse and put him behind bars where he belongs. Please don’t forget to put Bill Barr, Mitch McConnell and Rupert Murdoch with him
Thank you

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