The Cabinet had decided to review of the public service recruitment process and use excess workers in some state institutions to fill vacancies in others, Minister Ramesh Pathirana said on Tuesday. Addressing the Cabinet press conference, the Minister said that under the current economic situation, the government had decided to temporarily suspend public sector recruitments.Although the public sector was overstaffed, there were vacancies in some state institutions, Dr. Pathirana said.
“A large number of graduates have been recruited in recent years. Other categories of employees have also been recruited from time to time, following the approved recruitment procedures as well as under the policy decisions taken by successive governments. Despite this there exist vacancies in certain categories,” he said.
“To address this issue, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Prime Minister in his capacity as the Minister of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Council and Local
The government would appoint a Committee of Officers headed by the Secretary to the Prime Minister to review the above matters and make recommendations for the problems currently arising in the public service.
“The committee will also identify the priorities regarding the essential recruitments to be made and to recommend the time frames for the same for the continuation of the public service more efficiently and effectively,” Dr. Pathirana said.
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