
Brexit and Corbyn

A handful of people inspired by none other than Mr Vladimir Putin are hell-bent to pursue their determination to get out of the European Union...

Sophomoric Delinquency

Trumps strides along with his uncompromising sophomoric  delinquency. The only solution to all the current problems in USA is to lock him up along with...

Suspicion & Investigations

Suspicions   imply something has gone wrong without explanation.  An investigation   on the  suspicion will  prove either suspicion is justified or not.  The wrong doer or...

New Social World

The World will be a better place if the united Nation is allowed to function without UK and USA. I can visualise cooperation and  harmony ...

Pimp Trump’s Tantrum

Kidnap. Blackmail, Murder, robbery, ransom, torture, Lies and disinformation are words belonging to one group that can easily be  synonymised as siblings. They all  emanate...

Trapped President

My stomach churns whenever ~CNN Reporters address Donald Crook Trump as President who became the President by deceit. the World knows The Right Honourable Hillary...

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