
Time is up

In three weeks time he is going to shut down the Government again and declare Emergency if he doesn’t get the $5.7 Bn for his  Wall  . Ok. I think 3 weeks is enough for the FBI to raid his Mar a Lago and Trump Tower to arrest this moron. Keep it up Mueller. The Trump and his legal team have been concentrating in destroying and hiding evidence and they are relying entirely on demanding proof for all allegation. The pioneer of such tactics is of course Vladimir Putin.  Secrecy, denial, repeated assertion of lies are their weapons of defence.

There is no doubt that Trump has a private gang of assassins to control his empire, however the history shows all gangsters were eventually caught and punished.. The Al Capone and Kray Twins were dominating as invincible in the 21st Century but they were caught and punished. Trumps contention of invincibility culminated from his unexpected success of becoming the President of USA. Of course he did not  win the 2016 election which was in fact won by Hillary Clinton but with the  skilful manipulation of the counting system  Trump was able to  declare the winner. Hacking the software along with self destructing software objects  have been in use since the invention of computer virus  in the Soviet Union. They were initially used to infect the software in order to promote anti virus software such as Kaspersky internet security. Now the skill has been averted to political callisthenics.

Some people get success in crime  some times but never all the time so the time for Trump has reached his limit; he has swallowed the porcupine that he cannot swallow or spit it out. The days to  go behind 9 bars are closer than he has ever anticipated. Solong you despicable low form of a creature.

Lincoln Rasalingam

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