
Imran Khan’s magnanimity







I  always had an impression that  any Leaders without prior political experience would be  honest, rational  and responsible people until  I witnessed the  grifter Donald Trump, however, my belief has not been in vain as proved by  Imran Khan, the  Ex-Cricketer who became the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He showed grace, magnanimity and peace loving quality by his release of the  Indian Airforce Pilot Abhinanthan Varthaman.  I hope other leaders will follow his example if they are truly seeking peace in the world.  Mahatma Gandhi said if the Leaders follow the policy of “eye for and eye”, half the world would be blind.  Violence must never be used as a solution to any problems.  I sincerely hope  Rt.Hon. Narendra Modi will respond in kind instead of  sabre rattling.

Lincoln Rasalingam

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