I have been writing in this column about Donald Trump’s history, his crimes, deceit etc along with the background of his presidency. As reiterated he has mastered the art of lying from the philosophies of Adolph Hitler. “make the lies simple, repeat it, eventually people will believe them”. Hitler had many other traits; (1) discredit the media, (2) use the art of whataboutism (3) Never apologise (4) don’t hesitate to lie if the effect is profitable (5) manufacture disinformation and propagate it. Trump has also identified the power of Money. Bribery has its own power that Trump utilised it to the maximum. He has successfully replaced the senior judges and Law enforcement officers with shameless a-lickers.
Trump had adopted the above 5 gospels and used it to the full. All good things will have to come the end sooner or later and to Trump the end appears to be imminent. He employed one of his lackies with the longest tongue as Attorney General who had attempted to convince Black was White and Day was Night but failed miserably to the disappointment of Trump, Fox News and the Republican Senators. The long awaited Mueller Report was given to the Attorney General who summarised the 448 page report to 2 page report to say there were no collusions nor obstruction by Trump thus exonerating Trump from all culpabilities. The full Report was eventually released albeit with heavy redaction but the main crux of the report could not be twisted. The report has exposed all shenanigans, deceit and lies told by Trump and the Whitehouse staff, completely contrary to what the Attorney General had reported.
In my subjective view, Donald Trump, his son Trump Jr and son-in-law Jared Kushner, his Communication Advisor Sara Huckerbee Sanders along with the Attorney General William Barr will be soon facing criminal charges and without doubt, Trump will be impeached, probably within 3 months.
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