

Proven Racists of the World. Included in the lists are many Racists who encourage Racism while creating obstructions to any solutions to Racism

Aiders & Abettors of Racism
These people are responsible for the Racial inequality in UK and USA


Those in authority fail to speak out against injustice are as guilty as
the perpetrators of injustice. is the name of the website that lists all the proven
Racists in the world. The names are reported directly by the victims
in the form of a complaint with their full racial abuse experience.

We will take every effort to establish the details of the complaint and every
opportunity will be given for an explanation by the accused whose details will be
published in the website when the truth has been reported and verified.

There are circumstances when we will publish the name of a person or
organization if we are satisfied with the evidence that we witnessed
on the television, Radio or at public meetings or after reading articles
in any publications. In order to remove the name from the list the accused
person or organization will have make written representation with
evidence to prove that they are not racists. Although not widespread we have come across

many examples of Racism from the same community as the victims. These few people are bought
by the perpetrators in order to deny Racism. This quisling category are more dangerous and
create obstacles to any rational solutions. Examples are (1)Dr Ben Carson (USA),Tim Scott (USA)
Lynne Patton (USA), Pritti Patel(UK), Kwasi Kwarteng(UK), Tom Cotton (USA), John Neely Kennedy (USA)
The communication to us must always be in written form by
email to or by completing the online form.

At the time of launching this website the following
entities are known to practice racism

Countries: Srilanka, Myanmar, India, USA, UK, Hungary
Governments: USA, Srilanka, Myanmar, UK, Hungary
Corporations & Groups: (UK)BBC, Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Sun
(Srilanka)The Daily News and All Lakehouse Publication, KKK, White Supremacists
Political Parties: USA’s Republican PArty, UK’s UKIP
1922 Committee of the Conservative Party, British National Party, The Slovenian National Party, Slovenian Democratic Party The League, SLFP, National Front
Individuls: Donald J Trump, Nigel Farage, Narendra Modi,James Cleverly, Nick Ferrari, Pritti Patel, János Áder, Benjamin Netanyahu, Marie Le Pen
Paul Nuttall, Ben Carson, Richard Baines,Alan Sked,Vladimir Putin, Matheo Salvini,Andrej Babiš

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