Rough Justice

Vain Defence of the Indefensible

White Supremacist Policeman and Trump Supporter Derek Chauvin murdering the blackman George Lloyd on 25/05.2020

If anyone has any doubt about the meaning of “adding  fuel to the flame” or to “ rubbing salt into the wound”, the following one will give you the exact meaning:

We all, the whole World were  aware of the incident of the death of George Floyd and how he was murdered. The World Policeman,  the truth and honest bearers of the Universe, the United State of America has prosecuting the alleged murderer Derek Chauvin. The defense of the charge is now claiming, hard to believe by any sane soul, George Floyd died of drug overdose, not as a result of Chauvin pinned down George by his neck for nearly 10 minutes!

Trump supporter and White Ultra Racist Policeman Derek Chauvin had put his knee with his full weight for 10 long minutes  on the neck of the handcuffed  blackman George Lloyd who was held his face down with  both hands in a Police handcuff. George cried, pleaded and called  his mum until death rattle slowly waned out. As he was under choke hold in front of many witnesses Chauvin twisted his knees harder and harder. A Firewoman on the scene asked the four thugs in blue uniform to check the pulse of the unconscious George on the pavement, she was prevented from getting near him.

Have a look at the video taken by a  Shop Assistant:

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