North America

How Deep some High-Powered people can stoop?

How deep some high-powered people can  stoop?

People stooping to the lowest level is not uncommon , however  even the lowest level has  a limit at the bottom.  Unfortunately , the lowest level has no bttom limit in American politics and some American tabloids. The latest despicable news is the conduct of the tabloid called National Enquirer  run by a David Pecker who happened to be a life long  sycophantic friend of Donald J Trump.

The same David Pecker had accepted $150,000 from Donald Trump for the catch and kill exercise of the  story of the former  Playboy Model Karen McDougal who had an affair with Donald Trump. Pecker  the son of a bricklayer  from Bronx  was concerned  about the  effect  on the  Trump’s candidacy,   did not want the story of his affair becomes public before the 2016  Presidential Election. Pecker had bought the story and  never published it however McDougal had gone to the Supreme Court to  lift the gagging order that she signed. According to the rules of the Election Commissions  the payment to prevent any news coming out before the eldction   to influence the outcome of the  election was illegal and liable for criminal prosecution, however the prosecutor had exercised his discretion to warn the parent company of the Enquirer, AMI  that repetition of such conduct could   be liable for criminal charges. With normal people and businesses such warnings  would have been enough to  end of the  matter  but Enquirer is not a normal organisation nor its editor David Pecker  whose nature of  of skulduggery combined with kowtowing  are not normal. Or are they? How can anyone be a friend of the crooked Donald Trump be normal.? For the sake of clarity Trump loves flattery.

Remember the  murder of  Jamal Khashoggi, the Jounalist worked for Washington Post.  Khashogi was a native Saudi Arabian, critical of the  Saudi ruler   Mohammad Bin Salman  or MBS therefore it has been alleged that the king was responsible for the murder of Khashogi   and the owner of Washington Post has engaged in  an investigation of  the incident.  The owner of the Washington Post  is the same person who is the CEO of Amazon , Mr Jeff Bezos.  In order to stop the investigation, friends of MBS have attempted to  intimidate  Bezos, Mr David Pecker and Enquirer have collected some concocted dirt and published on the front page in the largest colourful font possible  about an affair Mr Bezos had with a lady that lead to his divorce from his wife. Followed by the publication was what one would describe as a letter of blackmailing nature was sent  to Bezos threatening to publish photographs of salacious content  unless he stopped the Khashogi investigation.

Considering the fact that MBS is a economic friend of Donald Trump and David Pecker was seeking investment from MBS and Bezos was not a supporter of Trump, one doesn’t need much imagination for Bezos to surmise that the blackmail attempt was politically motivated . He reacted  head-on to call it bluff and  he did not hesitate to go public.

Now the Pecker/AMI. Enquirer have broken the undertaking  given to the Public Prosecutor  by committing further crime  of blackmail  they  face  a probable conviction  and jail sentence.

We at  hereby  express our admiration  to  Mr Bezss’s honest action and  for which we congratulate  him whole heartedly. Your effort  to find justice to  a  capital crime committed by the Saudis with the connivance of  Donald Trump  deserve merits.

Lincoln Rasalingam

In 2018, Pecker became embroiled in controversy regarding his involvement in a catch and kill operation to buy exclusive rights to stories that might embarrass his friend Donald Trump, to prevent the stories from becoming public during the 2016 presidential campaign.



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