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Devil’s Dilemma

former DHS secretary kirstjen Nielson (an extreme hardliner)
A Very frustrated Pig Damien Drumpf
seasonal fruit pickers at a fruit farm

Secretary Kirstjen Nielson’s was fired by Donny Trump because she refused to break the law as ordered by Donny Trump who claimed he was above the  law.

The law says anyone can claim asylum in the USA  and in fact  the American’s Department of Home Security has rejected almost 100% of the Asylum applications since  Donny  wriggled his way into the White House.  The Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielson  did not object to anyone applying for  Asylum but Donny did not even want to give the chance to apply but she couldn’t therefore  got sacked.  Frankly the loser is Donny as the woman Kirstein has been proved a lot tougher, harsher  and nastier than  Trump. She ordered on her own volition  the separation of the children including babies from  their mothers, Donny will find harder to find a perfect Henchman(woman) although there are many of his followers  from  his KKK and the so called White Nationalists will volunteer at the snap of his fingers, unfortunately most of them are illiterate. The White House now has almost 80% of senior staff on temporary basis, ie. acting officials. The record of staff turnover has now beaten the record of seasonal apple pickers  in European  Apple Estates. The staff  at White House visit their work place like the Asylum seekers arriving at the Mexican/American Border

L R.

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